Clinician Viewpoints

Clinician describes how Cadence is helping her provide better care to patients

Cadence Team
Cadence Team
January 5, 2023
Clinician describes how Cadence is helping her provide better care to patients

In a recent interview with Harold Rowe on North Carolina's WHKY radio, Cadence partner clinician Dr. Ailisa Smith talked about the power of remote patient monitoring and how Cadence is helping her provide better care to her patients.

Dr. Smith is a physician at FryeCare Generations Family in Hickory, North Carolina. She began by describing what remote patient monitoring is and how it can benefit patients with chronic conditions.

"Remote patient monitoring is an innovative way to provide care. Cadence is our remote patient monitoring system, and it's a program that equips our patients who are dealing with these chronic conditions with cellular enabled devices such as blood pressure cuffs, weight scales, and glucometers and they are able to capture their daily vital information," she shared.

Each week, Dr. Smith gets a weekly account of each patient's vitals. If there are any issues with the readings, the Cadence Care team works directly with Dr. Smith to adjust medications as needed. In this way, Cadence can help intervene and prevent patients from racking up costly and disruptive visits to the emergency room by enabling intervention in real time.

"This is a great program for everybody because these chronic conditions are ongoing and I'm only seeing these folks three, four times a year. Getting this information in between visits is invaluable," she shared.

Dr. Smith went on to also describe how, by working with Cadence's Care team, she and her staff have been able to receive ongoing support and reduce many of the phone calls and other clinical burdens that negatively impact her practice. "Cadence has provided me and my practice with so much support. I mean, it helps to alleviate our overburden workload. Some technology can create more work, right? This is not that. My patients are getting triaged a way that I wasn't able to do before."

To hear more from Dr. Smith about the benefits of Cadence for clinicians, listen to a clip from the radio interview below. Also check out our full conversation with Dr. Smith on a recent podcast episode of Cadence Conversations here.

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Cadence Team

Cadence is a health technology company helping the nation’s most patient-centric health systems deliver more consistent, proactive healthcare every day. Cadence’s Remote Patient Care solution couples AI-powered technology with clinical excellence, providing its patients a precise and personal level of care all outside of the four walls of the hospital.

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